Health Guarantee
Below is the guarantee we offer on our puppies! We do not offer the 48 hour portion of this guarantee on shipped puppies. The two year guarantee applies to all of our puppies, however. Everyone is required to sign and adhere to the heatlh guarantee upon purchase!
This is a general health guarantee and NOT a guarantee for breeding or showing.
NO OTHER GUARANTEE IS GIVEN. The signing of this contract signifies that the terms set forth in this contract are agreed upon by both parties.
All of our puppies are guaranteed to be healthy when they leave our possession. This puppy has been seen for a wellness check by a licensed veterinarian. This puppy has been wormed at 2,4,6, and 8 weeks of age. It was also given a 5 way vaccine at 6 weeks of age. The next vaccination is due at 9 weeks of age. Another at 12 weeks, and 15 weeks and then again at 1 year of age. The continuation of puppy shots and vet visits is the buyers responsibility. By signing this you understand that your puppy is not fully protected against these viruses until all vaccinations have been completed. If you choose not to vaccinate your puppy with the proper series of age appropriate vaccinations then this contract is void.
Parasites: Often when the pups go to their new homes, they undergo quite bit of stress due to the change. The stress can cause their immune system to drop slightly. If there are any microscopic parasites or eggs lying dormant in their system, they see this opportunity to multiply. Puppies receive several dewormings and preventatives prior to leaving. But sometimes parasites or protozoans can lie dormant in their system allowing them to "hide" from the medicine or treatment only to reappear at a later time. Diarrhea is the usual result of a coccidia or giardia infection. If your pup has watery diarrhea for more than 2 days. It is recommended that you take a fresh stool sample into your vets office so that it can be tested. Your vet will then prescribe you the appropriate antibiotic which will likely need to be administered for a week. The seller treats all puppies for the removal of parasites, worms fleas ticks before leaving the premises.
You were notified of the results of the 7 week fecal done by our veterinarian If puppies were not clear of parasites per the results, they were treated with appropriate medications and it was up to you whether your puppy stayed to finish the medication or you waited to pick up until rounds of medication were completed. If you choose to pick up during the course of medication the appropriate medication was sent home with you and it is your responsibility to administer. Even if the fecal by our veterinarian was clear. We always recommend the puppy have another stool sample done at your vets office about 3 weeks after leaving us. To treat anything as needed and to make sure they have stayed clear of any protozoans or parasites.
By signing this contract it is agreed that such nuisances are common to puppies and the seller is in no way responsible for treatment, expenses or any liability of the following : giardia, coccidia , worms/parasites, fleas ticks or ringworm.
48 hour guarantee requirements: DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY PUPPY BEING SHIPPED
There is no 48 hr guarantee for shipped puppies!
Buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian at buyers expense within 48 hrs of purchase. ( 2 business days from the date of purchase) If the veterinarian does not give the puppy a clean bill of heath the buyer must notify the seller immediately in order to qualify for the 48 hr health guarantee. Seller reserves the right to have the puppy re-examined by our veterinarian at sellers expense. Any condition that is minor, treatable, correctable or a breed related minor condition is NOT covered by the guarantee. No condition which could go away or is considered to be a condition in which a puppy will likely grow out of is covered. Internal, external parasites, protozoans or umbilical cord hernias, ear infections, ear mites, dandruff, and pyoderma are not covered by this guarantee. If the puppy is then found not to be in good health AS A COMPANION ANIMAL the buyer may either choose to keep the puppy or return to seller. The buyer will be reimbursed with another puppy when one becomes available. This must be agreeable to both parties. Seller does not accept responsibility for contagious disease diagnosed after 48 hrs from date of purchase. At no point will buyer be reimbursed in the form of cash or be compensated for vet bills. Our guarantee only offers reimbursement in the form of a replacement puppy.
2 year health guarantee requirements:
If a vet should see the puppy as unfit as a PET by 2 years of age, the buyer will return live puppy to Crystal Bowman at SkyFallSiberians and will be receive a replacement puppy of comparable to or better quality when available from the same or upcoming litter. The buyer will have the choice to keep the puppy and still be reimbursed in the form of the second puppy. No cash refunds will be given and you will not be compensated for any vet bills acquired up to that point.
This guarantee is only to certify that the puppy is free from any genetic or hereditary defects that cause death or serious impairments of the vital functions of the puppy until the puppy is 2 year of age. If such an inheritable defect is documented by a veterinarian and presented to the seller with sufficient supporting evidence, the buyer will be entitled to a replacement puppy. We reserve the right to a second veterinarian opinion at the expense of the seller.
This contract does NOT cover any type of contagious diseases, viruses, protozoan or fungus. This contract does not cover umbilical cord hernias. The death, injury or loss of said dog due to theft, carelessness, recklessness, abuse, neglect, heat stroke or accident will not entitle the buyer to any compensation from the seller. Anything outside of something considered to be genetic or inherited not covered by this guarantee.
Hip dysplasia, hereditary cataracts, corneal dystrophy, and progressive retinal atrophy are covered 2 years from the date of purchase with the same conditions as above in effect. If the dog is found to have one of these genetic defects before 2 years of age and the seller is not informed until after 2 years of age there will be no reimbursement and the guarantee becomes null and void.
There is no guarantee of size, coat type, coat color, or eye color at any time.
This puppy is sold as a pet unless otherwise discussed between seller and buyer. Pet quality simply refers to the dog being sold as pet and companion only. The seller does not declare ANY puppy even when sold with full rights to be of show quality, nor does the seller evaluate puppies for such purposes .If a puppy is being purchased for the purpose of breeding, the seller does not guarantee the puppy will have the ability to produce or whelp a litter, Or that it will be of breeding quality.
This guarantee is void of the dog has been bred. This guarantee is void if the dog is spayed or neutered before 1 year of age. This is called adolescent spay/neuter and it can cause the very issues this guarantee is in place to prevent. No compensation will be given if a dog is determined to be cryptorchidism. If testicles were not present at the 7 week health check with our veterinarian, you were notified of the condition. You were made aware of the possibility that ,if they do not come down by a year of age, the neuter will cost extra. We have explained to you that it can take up to a year for the testicles to come down in this breed. This breed should not be neutered prior to a year of age. Wait 1 year for the testicles to come down into the scrotum before determining the dog is crypt. If you purchased the dog with full rights and it is determined to be crypt at a year of age with supporting vet evidence (NOT before) we will replace the dog ONLY if it has NOT been bred. If the dog has been bred prior to a year of age, accident or otherwise. We offer NO replacement and our guarantee is void.
If this dog was purchased with full rights. It should not be bred prior to 1 year of age. It is your responsibility to take the proper precautions to ensure this does not happen prior to 1 year of age.
Buyer Signature :_____________________________Date:_________________
Seller Signature:______________________________Date:________________
END OF CONTRACT***********************************************