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Waiting List


  1. Onie Bell -Red female unrelated to Lyric

  2. William Smith - Red and white female

  3. Mary Jo  -Agouti

  4. Nancy - Solid copper male

  5. ​Helen Kendo -Female


  7. ​

**** We always reserve the right to first pick of any litter we produce! Whether that be for a stud service agreement, a puppy trade in the works, or keeping a puppy back for ourselves. We will not always take first pick of every litter, but we will exercise this right as needed. First pick is never " for sale" and is never guaranteed to anyone. 

***Deposits are good 1 year from the date the deposit is sent. They may be used for any litter or puppy. We will add your name and preferences to the waiting list with your deposit. But you are welcome to pick outside of your preferences listed. 
*** The waiting list will be posted publicly so that everyone may see where they are on the list. 
**solid copper is a popular color preference request for us. we only accept 3 deposits for solid copper preferences at a time. 

When a litter is born and photos are posted. I will contact person # 1 on the list. They will have 24 hrs to pick a puppy of their choice before moving on to person # 2. 
Each person will have 24hrs from the time I    message you, to let you know it is your turn, to pick a puppy from the litter. If you do not respond within that time period or choose to wait for another litter. We will skip over your place in line. Should you decide later you would like to pick from the litter, you may do so from any available puppies that are left after we have finished moving down the list.  Once everyone on the list has been offered the current litter. Any remaining puppies will be listed and marked available. We will begin again at number 1 when the next litter is born.
We will update everyone on the waiting list as picks are made. So please check your messages regularly. Failure to do so may result in your name being skipped for that litter. 
You do not have to wait for your turn in line to pass. If you know that there are no puppies you are interested in from a litter after it is born or at any time during the process ( if the puppy you had your eye on was taken) Please let me know you would like to pass so I   am not messaging you unnecessarily.
If we have multiple litters being born around the same time there may be some overlap between puppy picks. 
Keep in mind that everyone has different preferences. So just because you are number 5 in line does not mean 5 puppies will be picked before you. Deposit holders can pass on any puppy or litter to suit their preferences.
Once you pick your puppy it is marked as reserved. 
If you change your mind about the puppy you reserved, you may choose another puppy that is available by moving your deposit to that puppy. But you may only release your hold on a puppy ONCE, so be sure you are making the right decision the first time you pick! If you back out on a puppy for any reason after it has turned 6 weeks of age, your deposit and place on the waiting list will be forfeited completely. 
If for any reason you discontinue communication with us any time after your puppy has turned 6 weeks old, and attempts to contact you have been ignored or unsuccessful for 3 consecutive days. We will relist your puppy as available and forfeit your deposit and place on the waiting list entirely.  The last two weeks of the puppy's time here should be devoted to coordinating pick up or travel arrangements and if we can not get in touch with you to do so. We will find someone else suitable to care for the puppy. 
The full purchase price is due by the time the puppy turns 8 weeks old. If the full amount is not received by the time the puppy turns 8 weeks old, you automatically forfeit your deposit. And the puppy will be relisted as available .
The only exception to this would be if you are picking up your puppy in person and the puppy would be between 8 and 9 weeks old at the time of pick up and you are paying in cash. If you are shipping your puppy, full price must be paid by the time your puppy turns 8 weeks old or 3 business days before the travel date. Whichever is sooner. A  puppy being shipped will not leave our home with a transporter unless it has been paid in full. 
Once the full purchase price has been received the puppy will then be sold. 
Puppies need to be picked up by 8 weeks of age, unless previously discussed. A   boarding fee of 10 per day up until the puppy is 10 weeks of age. All    boarding fees must be paid up front. 
There will be no boarding fee if the puppy turns 8 weeks old during the work week and you are picking your puppy up on a weekend. Our pick ups are usually done on weekends. 
If you are shipping your puppy the pick up or  flight details will be discussed with you privately , and no boarding fees will be incurred as long as the shipping date is within reason and was agreed upon.
We will not board a puppy beyond 10 weeks of age. If the puppy is being boarded, and is not picked up by 10 weeks of age, your deposit, boarding fee and any additional monies paid will be forfeited and the puppy will be relisted as available. 

© 2019 by Skyfall Siberians. Proudly created with

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