Buyers Responsibility Return Contract
Below is our return contract. Which everyone must sign and adhere to who when purchasing one of our puppies.
Buyer Responsibility Contract
Crystal Bowman
The following agreement/contract is between Crystal Bowman, who is here after referred to as "Breeder/Seller" at Skyfallsiberians. AND
_________________________, who is hereafter referred to as "Buyer", for the sale of an AKC registered Siberian Husky. No verbal agreements will be entered into.
This contract is legal and binding.
Sire of puppy:_____________________________
Dam of puppy :_____________________________
Puppy whelped on _______/_____/_______
Puppy name:____________________________
The buyer agrees to send the seller monthly updates, photos, and vet records of the puppy/dog for the 1st year of its's life with the buyer. After a year of age the buyer agrees to send updates every 6 months including photographs and veterinary records. If the buyer does not have a Facebook, the buyer is required to fulfill these requirements via email or text message.
The buyer agrees to take good care of this dog, feed and house properly, maintain them and keep them up to date on vaccinations. The dog's outdoor area's shall be safe and secure for the dog and everyone else. If the dog is found to be allowed to run freely and hence creating a public nuisance or found to be neglected, abused or allowed to live in poor health conditions the Seller has all rights to the repossession of this dog with no refund to the buyer. The death, injury or loss of said dog due to theft, carelessness ,recklessness, abuse ,neglect, heat stroke or accident will not entitle the buyer to any compensation from the seller.
Buyer agrees to keep this puppy/dog under control at all times and socialize it with humans and other animals. Seller will not be held responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly by this dog to property, humans or other animals.
Buyer agrees to be responsible for any and all expenses incurred by this dog upon possession of it and to notify the seller of any serious illness, injury or death of the dog and/ or any changes in address or phone number.
If at any time it is determined that this dog is being neglected, abused, or raised in a manner that would be detrimental to it's well-being or may create a vicious dog, the seller has the legal right to come onto the buyers property and rescue the dog from said conditions. This lack of care would be a breach of contract and the dog will be repossessed. The buyer would not receive any compensation for the loss of the dog and all ownership of said animal shall revert back to the seller. In such case, all authorities will be notified, and appropriate prosecution would be brought against ALL responsible parties
The buyer agrees NOT to hit, strike or aggressively punish the puppy/dog in any way for any reason. If that happens the seller will repossess the puppy/dog with no refund to the buyer and will pursue charges against the buyer for animal abuse.
This dog is warranted only for the purpose of being a companion animal, not for any other purpose or reasons. No warranty is given to the buyer for any special purpose or function of this dog. This dog is not to be used in any illegal or immoral activities and absolutely not to be used for any type of puppy mill, dog farm or any other mass producing operation.
In the event the buyer can no longer keep this dog/puppy for any reason, at any point in its life the buyer agrees to return to puppy/dog to the seller ( Crystal Bowman at Skyfallsiberans. ) The buyer must contact the seller to make arrangements to bring the dog back to Skyfallsiberians. If the buyer cannot transport the dog to Skyfallsiberians then the seller will make arrangement to pick up the dog regardless of distance. The buyer will not for any reason take this puppy/dog to a shelter, give it away or resell it. Any changes to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. This contract is legal even if it is not notarized an may be enforced by legal means at the buyers expense. All disputes must be settled in the county and state the seller resides in. This dog is sold to you as pet only and nothing further.
This dog is NEVER to be relinquished to any humane society, animal control agency, or rescue organization. This provision is to ensure that the puppy will not end up homeless or destroyed.
The dog is to never be sold or given away to anyone after taken into the buyers care. If the buyer can no longer provide a home or care to the dog at any point in its's life, the buyer MUST RETURN TO SELLER, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!
The seller certifies that upon receipt , the dog is in good health and has been immunized and dewormed according to the accompanying health record of said breed. This dog has also had a well check completed by a licensed veterinarian.
Buyer Print name:______________________________________
Buyer Signature :___________________________Date :________
Seller Signature :____________________________Date:________