So you think you want a husky?
Here are some of the not so fun parts of owning a husky. It is important that you do your research on this breed. They aren't for everyone. They can be difficult or even impossible for people who are not prepared to properly accommodate them.
This picture tells a better story than I can....
THEY SHED!!! A TON!!! lol
Twice a year huskies shed their entire undercoats! Shedding usually takes about 3 weeks to a month to complete. Climate can change how often or how long the blowing phases happens. Beware!
Your expensive vacuum is no match for husky glitter. Dog fur is now a fact of your life. It is on your clothes, carpet, furniture, and in your coffee!!
Never ever shave a husky. This is a double coated breed. Their coats are designed perfectly to keep them healthy. Their summer coat ventilates and protects them from the sun. Their winter coat insulates and keeps them warm! Also stay away from any grooming tools that have the ability to clip or sheer the coat. Such as the furminator.It will destroy the coat that protects them. Grooming is important. If they aren't brushed regularly their coats will matt.

Huskies have a high tendency for wanderlust behavior. They should always be on a leash when not in a securely fenced in area. It is not within the breeds nature to do well off leash. There are exceptions to this rule. But if you want a dog who will do well off leash, a husky may not be the right breed for you.They are also escape artists. Proper fencing is extremely important. They usually require a 6 foot fence with dig guards to keep them from digging out. They can jump a 4 foot fence and climb many types of fencing. Puppies and young huskies may start out well off leash. But eventually they will be compelled to run off, even if they never have before. They can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. They were quite literally made for running. It usually takes a car to catch them and a ton of luck. They can be hit by a car, lost, stolen or worse if they get away from you. So it is important to be prepared and willing to accommodate this trait.

Here is a video example of what they are capable of when it comes to fencing. This is not our video or our huskies! It belongs to a friend but is very informative!

Huskies have a high prey drive. This means that they typically will not do well with smaller animals. If your puppy is raised with cats and taught how to treat them properly, from a young age, they should do find with them as adults. However. Other animals, like rabbits, birds, chickens, livestock any wildlife they may come in contact with outdoors etc. They have a tendency to kill. This is in their nature. It is your responsibility to keep them away from smaller animals that they can harm to ensure the safety of other animals and also the safety of your husky.

Huskies are typically very stubborn in nature. They were bred to pull sleds and make judgement calls based on conditions. A husky will not just happily follow commands. They need convincing lol and a lot of consistency. They are a high energy breed. We do have a lot of more mellow huskies but that isn't the norm. They need an outlet for their energy. Proper exercise and stimulation. They get very destructive when bored or left alone. The rule is a tired husky is a well behaved husky! Proper training beginning early on, is very important for this breed. If you are not confident in training matters, you should seek a professional.
Huskies are naturally a very friendly breed. They don't know a stranger. Most huskies will greet all humans with a wagging tail and lots of kisses! This trait makes them very poor guard dogs. Most huskies will not alert or bark to any newcomer or strange noise. While many huskies are vocal, its more of a chatter or howl and on their terms. They are most vocal when greeting you or wanting attention, or talking back even. Rather than to alert you of something. If you are wanting a dog to guard your home , family and to alert you of danger. This may not be the right breed for you.